Rune: Viking Warlord PS2 Gameplay

This is Gameplay for Rune: Viking Warlord on the PS2.

I just got this game in the mail yesterday. I remember wanting to play this game when I first saw it being previewed by the magazines at the time, however, the extremely low review scores for the game made my decide better of it. However, seeing as I am no longer influenced by the gaming media, I have decided to go back and buy games that I wanted to play, but for whatever reason, never did.

While waiting for this one in the mail, I noticed a disturbing lack of quality footage for the game on youtube. At least, a disturbing lack of footage that someone isn't ruining by doing a let's play video. The only other clips were very short as well. Mostly old clips from IGN that date back to the time of Rune's release.

I am still very early in the game, seeing that this is only my second day of owning it, but so far, I'm digging it. The game has some issues with it's framerate, and some hefty load times, but from what I have seen, the reviews seem way off on this one.

So far I am digging Rune's action/adventure gameplay. There are definitely some Tomb Raider inspired elements, as you can see by my getting lost for a couple of minutes in this vid. it feels sort of like a mixture of Tomb Raider and Draconus (which might be even more obscure than Rune is, but I have a video or two up of Draconus if you are curious).

Another very interesting thing worth noting is that Rune's controls scheme, for it's time would have been completely innovative for console games as you move with the left stick, and aim with the right using R1 to attack, and R2 to defend. That seems pretty simplistic by today's standards, but for a game released in 2001, it was pretty much unheard of on consoles. Old hat on PC though.
