Note: I previously published this on, so some of the content may involve that site, and some of the old links may not work anymore.
The PS1
You are not ready huh? It seems like an appropriate tag-line when describing the effect the Playstation had on the gaming world. When people ask me what my favorite system of all time is, I never hesitate to say the PS1. While yes, it did have a bunch of mainstream titles that were great, it's the underrated gems that truly make the system my favorite. It drives me nuts when so-called "Hardcore" gamers label the PS1 as a casual gamer system. Yes, the Saturn had more hardcore gamer type games, but the PS1 had it's fair share if you new where to look.
That's the beauty of the PS1's game library. It had the best variety. It was the old circus analogy. There's something for everyone, and while it didn't always have the best game in each respective genre (2D fighters, and FPS come to mind), what it had in those genres was still pretty good, and at-least it had games in that genre (I'm still waiting for a 2D fighter on the N64). It was the void filler of the super hardcore of the Saturn and the mainstream 3D only of the N64. It had great games in the genres that those systems were found lacking in. Whoever said "A jack of all trades is a master of none." never played the PS1.
Another great thing about the PS1 was the great innovations it made for gaming. Beyond bringing gaming into the mass market (you decide if that was a good thing or not), they made innovations in many other areas. id might have pioneered the demo disk with Doom, but Sony perfected it with things like Playstation Underground, and OPM (may they rest in peace). They turned the demo disk into a game selling art. They also made the $20 greatest hit a standard (which is no longer the standard, but maybe in the future), and Nintendo might have brought rumbling, and analog (well analog in it's current form) to the consoles, but Sony perfected them by putting the rumble standard in the controller, and adding another joystick as well.
All those hardware innovations mean nothing without gameplay innovations, and the PS1 had plenty. I'm not sure if Parappa the Rappa was the first music game, but you gotta believe that it brought the genre into the limelight. Would we be playing guitar hero today without Parrappa? I'm not sure. Also the modern stealth genre as we know it wouldn't exist. Metal Gear Solid would have been bastardized on the N64 (it may have worked on the Saturn though). People were jacking cars in Liberty City on the PS1 long before it was the kewel thing to do in GTA3. It might not played as well, but the core gameplay came about on the PS1, and let's not forget Driver's hand in that as well. Speaking of driving, where would racing games be without "The real driving sim"? What about the modern extreme sports game? Street Sk8ter hit the PS1 first, but Tony Hawk's Pro skater blew the genre wide open. There are so many other examples of innovation shown by developers on the PS1. Some might say that all those games would have happened without the PS1, and fair enough some of them might have, but they probably wouldn't have been the same.
When I think of the PS1 theres just so much to it beyond the surface of what most people who own one saw. So many great games (with a ton of hidden gems for those who feel like digging), so many great innovations, and so many great memories make the PS1 my favorite system of all time. There are many other great systems out there, but there is only one Playstation.
teh2Dgamer's list of must play PS1 games:
Air/Ace Combat series- These are the best jet fighting games on the PS1. There's plenty of mission objectives to accomplish and plenty of intense dogfights to be had. If you like mission based flight games or if you liked the sequels, then you shouldn't miss these games. The first game was Air Combat, and the Sequels are Ace Combat 2&3.
Akuji the Heartless- You play as Akuji, a voodoo priest who savagely has his heart ripped out on his wedding day by his brother, and is now cursed to wander the depths of hell. The game runs on the Gex engine, and has an atmosphere similar to Soul Reaver's. It does have some camera issues, but they don't hurt the experience that much.
Alundra- It's an action adventure RPG in the same vein of Zelda except it's a lot more puzzle heavy and it completely sprite based. If you like old school style Action RPGs, then this is the game for you. The puzzles are really tough at some points so keep the faq handy.
Ape Escape- One of the quirkiest and most innovative platformers ever. It's innovative uses of the analog sticks is still unmatched. This is probably the best 3D platformer for the PS1. I still haven't seen any other game use the analog sticks in such an innovative way. You use the right analog stick to control the gadgets in this game. Who doesn't like playing with R/C Cars, and catching highly intellegent evil monkeys??
Armored Core series- A mission based mech game where you build your own mech. The controls are tough to get the hang of, and if you're tired of the newer versions of the AC series, then the PS1 versions probably won't set your world on fire, but if you still have a PS1, and have never played an AC game or are a fan, then go for it.
Bloody Roar 1&2- These are some really fast and fun fighting games where the fighters can change into animals in mid fight. I remember seeing the Gamepro review that first got me interested in the first BR. The game kinda came out of nowhere and its a fast and furious fighter. The BR series has kinda of fizzled out in recent years, but I have hope that the right developer can do it justice with a next gen sequel, but since fighting games are pretty dead, I don't see that ever happening.
Breath of Fire III&IV- These are top notch RPGs from Capcom where your main character can morph in to dragons. This series started on the Snes, and it peaked on the PS1 IMO. Every RPG fan should have these games in their PS1 collection.
Bushido Blade 1&2- Samurai weapons based fighting games with one hit kills. You can switch between multiple sword stances and weapons. The combat is more engaging that you may think.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- It's a perfect mixture of Castlevania, Metroid, and RPG level gaining elements. It's the best Castlevania in the series IMO, and It's also my favorite PS1 game. Whips are for pansies. Allucard (despite looking like a woman) is one of the coolest Castlevania characters in the series. "What is a man? A miserable little Pile of Secrets. But enough talk. Have at you!"
Colony Wars series- The best space flight games on the PS1. The rebel fighters taking on a evil empire storyline might be overdone, but the action is top notch, and the game goes forward whether or not you fail a mission. If you fail one, the next mission will be easier. They really need to make a sequel.
Crash Bandicoot series- There are some of the best platformers on the PS1. There is a reason that these games put Naughty Dog on the map (I guess Way of the Warrior didn't do the trick for some reason). Warped is the highlight of the series, but the first two are still top notch offereings. Who can forget the Crash Dance. It's almost a shame that Crash is a sad shell of his former self now.
Crash Team Racing- Mario Kart be damned. CTR is still my favorite kart racer of all time. Sure, it's a Mario Kart Clone, but It's boost system just added so much extra depth to the racing. The track designs are great, and the multiplayer is fun. Note: I still love MK so please don't release your attack dogs.
Crusader: No Remorse- This isometric shooter from Origin Systems is really fun. I picked it up recently for two bucks. It's also on the Saturn and the PC (along with it's sequel Crusader: No Regret) for those of you who have those options.
Descent/Descent Maximum- Take a ship shooter like Colony wars and put it in a First Person Shooter environment and you get Descent. That's pretty much the best way to describe it.Also, if you're prone to motion sickness I really wouldn't suggest it to you. 360 degree movement in first generation PS1 graphics isn't ideal for some those with weak stomachs.
Devil Dice- Who could have predicted that such a simple game where you play as a cutesy little devil who turns over giant dice trying to line up their numbers to make them disappear (for example, you need five die with five dots in order to make them disappear, and you can continually chain more die to that chain so long as all the die haven't disappeared yet. It's hard to explain, but this game is virtual crack. Whether you be playing the puzzle mode or the hectic multiplayer games you'll be totally addicted to Devil Dice.
Einhander- This is probably the best Shmup (shoot 'em up or side scrolling shooter) the PS1 has to offer. It's fully polygonal and like other shmups it's plenty challenging. Who ever would have expected this type of game from Squaresoft?
Final Fantasy series- While I do believe the FF series on the PS1 is overrated as hell, it's still a great series. Square had enough sense to port FF III/VI (by far the best FF in the series and my favorite game of all time) to the PS1 so I guess I can deal with all the FF noobs (that's right, FF VII has been out for almost a decade, and I still consider you a noob to the series if it was your first FF) who think FF VII is the greatest thing ever. They're all great games despite my ramblings. Also don't forget Final Fantasy Tactics which is considered by most to be the best strategy RPG on the PS1.
Front Mission 3- Mechs in a strategy RPG Like it gets any better. If you dig mechs, and strategy RPS, then this is the game for you. If Armored core and Final Fantasy Tactics had a bastard child, you'd get Front Mission.
G-Darius- Another great Shmup for the PS1. Damn the fishes.
Gran Turismo series- The best racing sims for the PS1. I remember taking a chance on the original GT before I ever read a review of the game, and I was completely blown away. This game took the racing genre to a whole new level. It ditched the arcadey gameplay of other racers, and added a ton of depth by letting gamers choose from hundreds of real cars from real manufacturers, and then letting the gamer upgrade and customize their car.
Grandia- One of my favorite RPGs for the PS1. 2D sprites in a fully polygonal world, lovable characters, a great storyline, and a cool battle system. Game Arts was truly one of the best RPG developers. It's sad that they went under. I do hear that the Saturn version of Grandia is superior to the PS1 version but it's Japanese only.
Hot Shots Golf- Yes that's right, I put a golf game up there. Hot Shots isn't your average boring game of golf. It's hella addictive, and it made golf games fun again, or fun for the first time.
Jumping Flash 1&2- In JF, you play as a robotic rabbit named Robbit who has to save world from a mad scientist (does gaming know any other kind?) named Baron Aloha. The original JF hit before Mario 64, and plays like a mix between a FPS and a 3D platformer. You character can jump really high in the air, and he looks down at his feet when he does which used to give me that wierd falling feeling in my gut. This is another one that people who get dizzy or sick from games should try and avoid.
Klonoa- An addictive 2.5D platformer for the PS1. It's simple Jump, Grab, and throw, but it's still very engaging. I've seen copies of this game go for $80+ on ebay before. Don't let it's kiddie appearence fool you, this game packs a punch in the gameplay department.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver- IMO, this dark adventure game is superior to both of the Zeldas on the N64(I know I'm in the minority here). This game has great atmosphere, a huge world to explore (quite a bit bigger than the one in OOT that everyone made such a huge deal over), and a deep storyline told with excellent voice acting. The combat system is also very innovative because there are so many ways to kill your enemies. There are tons of things in the environment that can be used as a weapon weather it be a spear you can tear off a wall and impale you enemies with, a pool of water you can throw them, or even the Soul Reaver itself there are just so many ways to do your enemies in.
Legend of Legaia- A tough RPG with a cool combat system. It's got a PS2 sequel for those of you who are interested.
Lunar 1&2- Another great RPG series from Game Arts. They were updated ports of the Sega CD games. These games are full of the charm and humor that makes Game Arts RPGs shine.
MDK- A purely mindless shooter from the great people at Shiny. It's got some really trippy levels, and the sniper helmet is a cool touch. It's also got it's own unique atmosphere.
Medal of Honor/MOH:Underground- Easily the best FPSs on the PS1. These games kicked off the whole WWII FPS craze.
Medievil 1&2- Two awesome adventure games with great Halloweenish atmosphere.
Mega Man Legends 1&2- It's kinda like Mega Man meets Zelda. There's plenty of exploration to be had and you can use items you find to make more weapons and items for Mega Man. Though these games play nothing like their 2D counterparts, this is one of the few cases where that doesn't matter.
Metal Gear Solid- Do I really have to tell you about this game. If you own a PS1 than you should own this game. It did so much for gaming that I could probably write a few pages about it.
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne- This quirky offshoot to Mega Man Legends follows Tron and her Servo Bots on their own adventure. The game mixture of a bunch of games. A little strategy, adventure, and puzzle elements. It's truly a charming little game.
Monster Rancher 1&2- How cool is it to create monsters by putting in another cd in you system. It's similar to Pokemon. You raise a monster and then have him fight against other's monsters in an arena.
Mortal Kombat 4- I don't know what everyone had against this game, but IMO it's a top notch fighting game. It's super fast and furious, and I love the bone breaks. My only complaint is that the uppercut is pretty much worthless in this game, but the game moves so fast, that it's not a big deal, because pulling off combos is hella easy.
Nascar Rumble- What happens when you mix Nascar with Mario Kart? You get Nascar Rumble. There's plenty of cool powerups and hidden shortcuts to be had in this game. Even if you hate Nascar with a passion, you'll like this game. You should also chech out it's sequel Rumble Racing on the PS2.
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee/Abe's Exodus- These are two awesome 2D platformers. You're Abe an escaped Mudoken slave who's charged with saving his own kind from a horrible fate. These games have all the elements that make 2D platformers great. They're really challenging, but you get infinite lives so the game isn't impossible.
R4: Ridge Racer Type 4- The best arcade style racer on the PS1.
Resident Evil series- I'll put this series up here just to keep it's fans happy. I personally can't stand the series anymore. I loved the first two games, but then Capcom decided to whore the series out to everyone with a nickel. there were six RE games (not including the asstacular light gun games) on the PS1. Resident Evil, Resident Evil Directors Cut, Resident Evil Directors Cut: Dualshock, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock, and Resident Evil 3. See what I mean about whoring the series out?
Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman- Think of it as diet Devil May Cry. It's got similar sword and gun play, a mode similar to the devil mode, an annoying fixed camera, and extremely cheap bosses just like DMC. However, the thing it's got that DMC doesn't is Sexy Points. Dante might be a badass, but does he get Sexy Points? No sir he does not.
Rival Schools: United by Fate- Have you ever wanted to beat someone up for insulting you school? Yeah me neither. I was usually the one insulting my school, but the Japanese have school pride, and in Rival School they're ready to fight to defend their school's honor. Rival Schools playes like a 3D Street Fighter (it even has Sakura from SF in the game). There are plenty of flaming projectiles, air juggles, super moves, and team up moves in this game. This is one of the PS1's best. The only Fighting game that beats it out IMO is Soul Blade. Also, if you buy it used, make sure it comes with both the discs. Don't let the stores try and screw you over.
Silent Hill- This game is far superior to the RE series IMO. Just having the ability to move and shoot at the same time makes this game so much better. And pre-rendered backgrounds be damned. I love the fully 3D environments which give the game a much creepier atmosphere.
Sled Storm- A snowmobile racer that's got multiple shortcuts like Nascar Rumble. EA was a better developer in the PS1 days.
Soul Blade- This is my favorite fighting game on the PS1. It's the prequel to the Soul Caliber series, and I love the Edge master mode where you earn new weapons for your characters in a story adventure. Getting all the weapons is a pain in the ass, but their final weapons are kicks ass so it's worth it.
Suikoden 1&2- "So you like Suikoden!" I love Suikoden. It's my favorite original RPG series for the PS1. Polygons be damned I'm gonna search for all 108 starts in beautiful 2D.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo- An addictive tetris style puzzle game that pits super deformed Street fighter character against eachother.
Syphon Filter series- These are some of the best action games on the PS1. Second only to MGS IMO. Gabe might sound like a terrible Alec Baldwin impersonator, but he's still an ass kicker. These games don't rely on a bunch of lame ass special effects and annoying as hell scripted un-skipable cutscenes like the action games of today, it's just 100% gameplay. You sometimes you charge ahead with guns blazing or sometimes you use stealth to complete the objectives in the exciting levels. Syphon Filter is a must for PS1 action fans.
Tail Concerto- A cutesy and charming platformer from Atlus. You play as a dog who goes around in a mechanical suit who goes around rounding up kittens who are up to no good. It's cutesy, but it's got all the elements that make platform adventure games fun. It does have some camera issues though.
Tales of Destiny- A 2D RPG from Namco with a cool fighting system, and you can even get an item that allows another player to play it with you. There's also a hidden tower. I haven't played the sequel so I can't put that one up here. It's a part of the Tails series that started on the Snes, and has gained popularity over the past couple of years.
Tekken 3- Tekken 3 is a good game, but it's just way overrated IMO. It's a great game, but I just find Rival Schools and Soul Blade to be better. There's still plenty of great and in depth fighting fun to be had in Tekken 3, but I just prefer other games over it.
Tenchu 1&2- The first Tenchu hit a little before MGS and was a ninja based stealth game. The sequel is also great, and it adds a map editor which is a great addition.
Tomb Raider series- If you ask me Tomb Raider got an undeserved bad rap from gamers and the game media. Yes they put out five games that were very similar, but when you look at a series like RE it took RE the sixth try to even get to RE3. At least TR gave you a whole new adventure each time. Yeah it lost sight of raiding tombs, but the levels were still engaging IMO. I really have to disagree with Maestro on this series sucking (**edit** I wrote this at the time that Maestro had a feature on gamerhelp of his top 10 worst games of all time, and TR was on that list). Yeah the controls have issues (even I occasionally still struggle with them), but I feel they're the best fit for Tomb Raider's level setup. I don't think the jumps would work if Tomb Raider had a Mario 64 type of control scheme. TR also had a great atmosphere of tension that rivaled games in the survival horror genre.
Tomba 1&2- Two very charming 2.5D platform/adventure games. I only have a really long demo of the first game on a Jampack, but I just recently found the second one for cheap at Game Crazy. It's really a great series for those of you who aren't 3D only snobs.
Trap Gunner- This game is hard to describe. It's kinda like a puzzle action game.
Twisted Metal 2- This is still the best car combat game ever IMO. Black is awesome, but TW2 is still the king. This game was the first to reveal the Davinci Code, but only after you napalmed the Mona Lisa.
Um Jammer Lammy- I don't own Parappa the Rappa, but I do have Um Jammer Lammy which is an increadibly addicitve music game. It's really hard though.
Vagrant Story- It's Square's take on a dungeon crawling RPG. Think Diablo meets Parasite Eve. The opening sequence is as cinematic as PS1 games get.
Vandal Hearts- Another great strategy RPG released pre FF VII on the PS1. Like most of the RPGs released prior to FF VII, it's an overlooked gem. I haven't played the sequel though.
WWF Smackdown 1&2- The two best wrestling games on the PS1. Attitude has a better create-a-wrestler mode though.
There's probably plenty more that I've missed so feel free to post any of your must play PS1 games. Also, these are my must play from the PS1 games I actually own so if I've missed some obvious ones (like Xenogears) then it's because I don't own them. I have more games I like on the PS1, but I realize that I'm a very forgiving gamer, and most people aren't so I tried to stick to the ones I think most people would enjoy.
I also decided to write this blog for all the idiots out there who swear that the PS1 had no good games.
I'd like to thank the Videogame Museum for the screen shots that I've edited in. Go check that site out.
Edit: Here is a link to my PS1 collection just in case any of you might have any questions about any of my games.