My Perspective on Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters

This is a vid of me rambling on about my perspective of Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters. Again, these are my views, and I don't expect people to share them. It's weird, whenever I turn the camera on, It's like I forget what I'm going to say. I made a few corrections, but I still caught a few places where I made some mistakes. Like when I said a number of Ex-rare employees, when It was only three or four of them like the guy who made the music, and David Doak (for those who may remember Dr. Doak in the facility level in Goldeneye whom you have to mean up with). As for saying "Blow Me," I'm not sure where that came from. I was on the spot when a simple Kiss my ass would have worked. I don't think I've ever even used that phrase but a few times in my life which makes me wonder why it was the first thing that came to mind, but what's worse, is I said it twice. What the hell? But yes, Timesplitters is easily the continuation of the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark series. It captured the feel, and vastly improved the formula to the point that I have little need to play GE, or PD by comparison. Timesplitters really is that good. I liked Perfect Dark Zero, it had some good stuff to it, and some good bot matches, but Timesplitters was much better. I'm also not sure why I pronounced it like Mult-I-player instead of mul-tee-player. Also, Perfect Dark does technically have a mode that will run without the expansion pak, but it's only multiplayer, and you don't have access to the single player, so you can play A mode without the expansion Pak, but the rest of the game is held hostage unless you have the expansion Pak. Turok 2, and Turok 3, let you play the full game and the multiplayer regardless of whether or not you have the expansion pak or not.
