My Sega Genesis Collection

Oh yes, I did it again, I did use an old analog camera and stream it through my capture card. So yeah, bad quality. I do have a Flip HD camera, but the computer I have is too crappy to run it.

My bro had an ebay business going for a while there, and in one of the big game lots he acquired a bunch of Sega Genesis cases. Some with the artwork, and others in just plain black cases, so he gave me a bunch of cases for my Genesis games.

I also say we a lot, because a number of these are games I have had since childhood, and my memories are between my bro and I collecting a number of these. We used to have a shared collection, but he ended up giving me the entire collection of games.

I still feel like I'm missing a few games here and there, but overall, this is the majority of my collection. It certainly isn't the greatest Genesis/Mega Drive collection in the world, but it's a respectable one. My collection for my older consoles isn't as good as for my newer consoles, because kids don't usually have the kind of money to buy a bunch of games. I rented the hell out of games in the 16-bit era, but I didn't start buying heavily until the end of the PS1's era when a bunch of games were in the bargain bins, and, being older, I had more money to buy them.
