An entire playthrough of Killzone 1 on the PS2.

Here is an entire playthrough of the first Killzone on the Playstation 2 in video form:

Out of my normal youtube boredom, I decided to do an entire playthough of the original Killzone on the PS2. Here is is in playlist forme:

I don't normally do playthroughs, and this isn't the most skillful playing, but I know there is a lot of interest in this game now that Killzone 2 is out, so I though I'd do a full playthrough showing all the levels and the story cut scenes, so let me give you a SPOILER WARNING for those who haven't played the game yet.

To be honest, I think this game was unfairly panned by the gaming media. I really enjoyed it, but I will admit to it's flaws. First of all, it's glitchy. It's filled with graphical glitches (which you're likely to see in these vids), and occasionally the game will even glitch out and stop progression.The biggest complaint is with the controls. The default analog control setting it terrible. Luckily, the game's controls are 100% customizable, so you can fix, or mostly fix the aiming. I've never gotten it to feel perfect to my tastes, but I've gotten it close enough to where I can adjust to the aiming. Also, the Hellghast voices are extremely annoying at first, but you get used to them, and may even start to like them after a while.

To be honest, I'd have to disagree with the belief that the developer just tried to push more than the PS2 to handle in this game. I've seen games with nearly as good, or, arguably, better graphics run a lot smoother on the system. In reality it's likely that the game was rushed in order to beat Halo 2 to the market. It feels like it released too early, and it just lacks that final layer of polish. I hear they are bringing an HD version of this game to the PS3 with Killzone 3. I think I'd rather see a remake where they fix the glitches, and the other problems with the game.


SuperMario6412 said…
tht game looks cool!
lazyhoboguy said…
Long ago during a time in my gamer life when I did not read reviews before buying games, I rushed out due to the hype for this game and payed 60 bucks for it. I have never made that mistake again lol. This game had a lot of problems, but was still somewhat fun for me back then. I had a good amount of fun playing split screen multiplayer with this game, but once you try playing this game online its flaws really ruin the experience. The single player was ok, but had a lot of problems.
teh2Dgamer said…
The online play was definitely rushed too, but what really ruins the online for me is....the people playing. Because you can't ban certain weapons, that means that you can't ban explosives, so guess what every little b***h on there uses? I enjoy the gun fighting in bullet-only matches, but overall those who play the game online are no-skill explosive whores, who turn people off to playing the game by the way they play it. The online should have been better thought out.